Blackberry Goji Smoothie

Get ready to revitalize your mornings with this vibrant and nutrient-packed Black + Goji Berry Smoothie! Bursting with the goodness of blackberries, pineapple, and the superfood powerhouse – goji berries, this smoothie is not only delicious but also brimming with health benefits that will leave you feeling energized and refreshed.

Black + Goji Berry Smoothie 

2 servings 

1 cup frozen blackberries

1 frozen banana, peeled

1 cup fresh pineapple chunks

1 teaspoon acai powder

1 tablespoons goji berries 

1-2 cups coconut water, or non dairy milk 

½-1 cup ice, if needed (if using fresh berries/bananas) 


  1. Add all ingredients except coconut water to the smoothie. Add coconut water making sure it just covers all of the ingredients. 

  2. Blend until smoothie about 2 minutes. You may need to add more coconut water as you go, it depends on if you are using frozen ingredients vs fresh.

  3. Garnish with sprinkled acai and goji berries. 

Pro Tip: Freezing your bananas  is also a great way to hold on to those bananas that are about to go bad and you know you aren't going to eat them any time soon.


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